International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Al-Tawudi and the Importance of his Annotation (Tali Al-amani le Mutale? Al-Zurqani) in the Maliki School

Open access

Rafaa F Amragaa Anbeig, Ahmad Bin Che Yaacob, Nasrul Hisyam Bin Nor Muhamad, Kawthar Abdalla Mohammed Ahmed Bayoumi

Pages 276-286 Received: 03 Jun, 2023 Revised: 06 Jul, 2023 Published Online: 09 Aug, 2023
This study aims to shed light on the Maliki community’s (Al-Jama'ah) Sheikh Tawudi Ibn Souda (d. 1209 AH), renowned among the scholars of the Madhhab for his valuable jurisprudential works. Among the most notable books he wrote in this field is his great composition titled "Tali Al-Amani le Mutale’ Al-Zurqani," which is a commentary on Imam Zurqani’s (d. 1099 AH) explanation of Sheikh Khalil’s abridged work (Al-Mukhtasar) (d. 767 AH). The reason for choosing this topic was to highlight the importance of this book in the Maliki Madhhab and to identify the key points that have contributed to its high standing among the scholars of the Madhhab, to the extent that it is considered a reliable source for non-binding legal opinions (Fatwa). Therefore, I have set objectives to achieve what I desire and to answer the questions posed. The study is divided into two main parts. The first part answers the following question: Who is Sheikh Tawudi in terms of lineage, educational background, scholarly travels, mentors, and students? The second part addresses the importance of the commentary and what factors contributed to its significance. To achieve these objectives, the researcher will use a historical approach for biographical information and a descriptive, inductive, analytical approach for discussing and analysing views and statements to demonstrate the importance of the book and the extent of its reliability. The researcher hopes that this study will contribute to highlighting these objectives, encouraging students of knowledge to familiarize themselves with this book, and produce further studies on it that benefit those interested in this field. This study contributes to highlighting the position of one of the most important Maliki imams of his time, who was distinguished by his solid writings in Sharia, especially in the field of jurisprudence(Fiqh), including this Annotation, which the study hopes to contribute to shedding light on its importance and its place among the approved books in the madhhab to benefit researchers in the field of Maliki Fiqh, And let them know about one of these Annotations that the scholars of the sect accepted for the fatwa. It also contributes to highlighting the importance of the Annotation in relation to Al-Zurqani’s explanation, which was widely mentioned. The Annotation was revised and corrected because of the errors it contained, especially what Al-Zurqani was unique to.

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