International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Food Safety in Halalan Tayyiban Discourse According to Mufassirin

Open access

Mohd Akil Muhamed Ali, Nurul Syahadah Mohamad Riza, Mohammad Naqib Hamdan, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin

Pages 210-219 Received: 01 Jul, 2023 Revised: 03 Jul, 2023 Published Online: 05 Aug, 2023
Islam provides guidance to its followers in all areas of life, including nutrition. ?al?lan ?ayyiban is a philosophy that is promoted to help people obtain food that complies with Shari'ah criteria. However, most people underestimate and disregard the importance of ?ayyib. As a result, the focus of this research will be on the definition of ?al?lan ?ayyiban as dictated by Islam and its relevance to food safety. The data for this qualitative study is collected using the library method, then the data is analyzed using inductive, deductive, and document analysis method. According to the research, the term ?al?lan ?ayyiban has six different meanings: anything that Allah has commanded, delicious, beneficial, does not concern human rights, modest, and pure. This definition encompasses not only the halal but also the ?ayyib aspects.
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