International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Big Data on Competitive Advantage in Jordanian Tourism and Travel Offices and Companies

Open access
This study aimed to clarify the impact of big data on competitive advantage in Jordanian travel and tourism offices and companies. The study relied on the big data analysis dimension, while four dimensions were adopted to measure competitive advantage: growth, flexibility, cost, and innovation. This study was conducted on the Jordanian tourism and travel companies and offices, which numbered (314) offices and companies, the researchers used a proportional stratified random sample, and the sample size was (167). The study found high levels of application of big data and competitive advantage by Jordanian travel and tourism offices and companies. The results of the study also indicated that there is a statistically significant effect of big data on competitive advantage. The researchers presented a set of recommendations that can help Jordanian travel and tourism offices and companies in increasing interest in big data as well as achieving competitive advantage.

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