International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Control of Foreign Worker Entry: the Experiences of Several Developed Countries

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The study on the regulation of foreign worker influx is of utmost importance as foreign workers have significantly contributed to the economic advancement of Malaysia. The annual increase in the arrival of workers can be attributed to the demand for labour in various sectors, including industry, services, and agriculture. However, the persistent issue of foreign worker shortages stems primarily from challenges in the application process, high employment costs, and the perpetual demand for workers within the industry. To tackle these challenges and reduce reliance on foreign labour, various measures have been implemented to enhance the management of foreign workers. This study aims to explore the strategies employed by developed nations in regulating and managing foreign workers, with a specific emphasis on policy implementation. The research methodology adopts a qualitative approach by collecting data from secondary sources and government reports. Primary references from scholarly books and journals are supplemented with government publications to examine the existing guidelines concerning the entry of foreign workers. The findings reveal that each country has devised its own distinctive approaches and policies for controlling the entry of foreign workers. Some nations exclusively allow the recruitment of skilled workers and provide pathways to naturalization. Conversely, countries such as Korea and Japan initially adopted a closed-door policy towards unskilled foreign workers, but eventually had to adapt due to demand and supply dynamics. This trend is evident in numerous countries, which have had to amend or introduce new programs to regulate the inflow of foreign workers, at times conflicting with their existing migration policies. It can be concluded that governmental policies need to strike a delicate balance between the interests of multiple stakeholders, including the general public, industries, and political factions. In the Malaysian context, foreign workers are recruited for temporary employment and to meet the demands of the domestic labour market. Consequently, this study implies that Malaysia's policies pertaining to the recruitment of foreign workers should strive to establish an improved management system that effectively curtails dependence on foreign labour, while simultaneously reconciling societal interests with economic considerations. Future research endeavours are recommended to scrutinize guidelines for the regulation of foreign worker influx, taking into account the interests of all involved parties, such as employers, the government, and the workers themselves.

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