International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


We-Media for Digital Vocal Music Education- A Reflection of Feasibility of a Technology-Based Vocal Classroom

Open access
Over the past decade, there have been remarkable advancements in information and communication technology (ICT) worldwide, particularly in China. Notably, We-mediaplatforms like WeChat, Weibo, and DouYin have emerged as prominent examples. These platforms offer diverse communication tools and have recently shown potential in expanding and promoting traditional education. China's status as having the world's largest Internet user base provides a strong foundation for the growth of these new media. This presents exciting prospects for education in the age of We-media in China, but also brings forth new challenges for educators and teachers. To delve deeper into the impact of We-mediaplatforms on education, a case study was conducted, focusing on how students utilize these platforms for vocal learning. The study employed qualitative research methods, using participant observation to gather data. The primary goal of the study was to explore the trends and changes in music education and vocal teaching within the context of the We-mediaera. It specifically investigated how We-media tools influence contemporary music education, including vocal teaching methods, tools, and philosophies in China.

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