International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of the Ways in which Community Participation Influence Sustainability of Government Funded Water Projects in Semi Arid Areas: A Case Study of Nzambani Area in Kitui County in Kenya

Open access
The purpose of this study was to analyze the ways in which community participation do influence sustainability of government funded water projects in Nzambani area which is a semi arid area in Kitui county in Kenya. The design used was mixed method design and the sampling technique was stratified sampling since four areas in Nzambani namely; Katoteni, Kwa Mai, Kavalula and Kyambenzi were analyzed. The sample size used was 185 respondents of whom 170 were the local community members who filled the questionnaire whereas 15 were members of water management committee in the area who were interviewed. The study revealed out that participation influence sustainability in the following discussed ways. First is that it promotes community contributions as indicated by 84.1% of the respondents .Secondly, is through effective representation of men and women as shown by 70% of the respondents. Decision making is also another way in which sustainably is influenced as a result of participation as indicated by 64.7% of the respondents. Furthermore, the results from the interview also affirmed that sustainability is also possible through the above ways. The study recommended that there is need for governments and other actors dealing with water projects in semi arid areas to continue creating a conducive environment through which community participation will be fostered so that sustainability can be assured.