International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Who are the B40 Matured and Older Rural Women Related to Freshwater Fisheries Economic Sector in Kuala Krai, Kelantan?

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This paper mainly aims to predict socioeconomic indicators of matured and older rural women (MORW) (?40 years old) in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, from the B40 household income category. The respondents were involved in three types of value-chain activities in the freshwater fisheries economic sector (type of FFES) – trader, processor, and operator. The data consist of n=223 and 31.39 percent MORW respondents in the B40 household income category. Among MORW respondents, the mean age=52.57 years old (SD=8.153 years old). The highest distribution rate among females is trader type of FFES (29.46%), and the highest distribution rate among male respondents is operator type of FFES (42.34%). Three significant (p<0.05) predictors were obtained - educational background, types of FFES, and marital status. The 'no schooling and primary school', married status, and trader type of FFES predict 6.431-time, 3.326-time, and explain less than 98.8 percent likelihood, respectively, of MORW in the B40 household income category. The predictors of MORW in the B40 household income category are 'no schooling and primary education', married, and trader type of FFES. In Kuala Krai, married and MORW in the B40 household income category must be given extra focus in the poverty eradication programs.

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