International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determinant of Product Awareness among Telecommunication Industry Consumers in Nigeria

Open access
Consumers have become more anxious about the economic situation over the past five years and have been looking for value. The number and depth of sales promotions and offers have increased across the market, but customers are not just looking for low prices, they are also looking to balance quality and the price they pay for things to make their budgets go further. The cardinal aim of this paper is targeted to investigate sales promotional factors on the aspect of consumer behaviour. These factors encompass discounted prices, product giveaway, loyalty points and demos and sampling including how it affects product awareness in Nigeria telecommunication industry. The present study aims to unveil and contribute towards the consumer behaviour on the components associated with product awareness. The research design is a quantitative correlational study and data were collected using questionnaires through the aid of google link form, and 407 participants were involved. Results of both Pearson correlation and multiple regression analyses show that demos and sampling is the sales promotional strategy that has the strongest relationship and strongest predictor of product awareness among telecommunication users in Edo state, Benin metropolis, Nigeria. In addition, this study offers new insights towards the extant literature and provides implications and directions for future research, as the findings of this study will be helpful to telecom companies as they devise marketing plans and work to increase product awareness.

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