International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Integrating Communication and Collaboration of 21st Century Learning Skills in Narrative Writing by Using an Online Learning Platform via Mobile Device among Upper Secondary Students in Penang, Malaysia

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This research aimed to find out the effectiveness of integrating the main skills of 21st century learning model which are communication and collaboration for developing the main ideas, and organising the ideas into a few paragraphs to write a narrative essay using an online learning platform via mobile device. Henceforth, a narrative writing module was predominantly created to carry out this study which is known as 4C’s to WRITE module. This research used a case study which incorporated a mixed-method research design. The sample of this study consisted of the Form 4 students in a national secondary school in Butterworth, Penang. Ihe study involved 30 students as a sample of this study. In the process of data collection, the researcher used pre-test, post-test, participant observation, and document analysis. This study found that there was an improvement in students’ narrative writing skills from the post-test. The outcomes from participant observation and document analysis by using a few common themes revealed that students were able to progress in identifying the main ideas and organising the ideas into a few paragraphs. Therefore, it could be concluded that using communication and collaboration skills via technologies significantly affect students’ narrative writing skills.

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