International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Succession Planning Program in Selected National Secondary Schools in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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The systematic effort by organizations on succession planning and management programs are to ensure leadership continuity in key positions, developing and retaining intellectual and knowledge capital for the future, and promoting individual career progress. An organization without a formal succession planning system in place will find trouble in various areas such as: key positions are not filled on time, key positions are filled by external candidates, high turnover at key positions, potential replacements are never ready and lack essential talent and skills, most qualified talent is not retained. Moreover, succession planning needs to be linked to other components such as transformational leadership style to be successful. Transformational leadership style consists of four domains such as individualized influence, inspiration motivation, idealized influence and intellectual stimulation were used. This study aims to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and succession planning subject heads in national secondary schools in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. It is conducted using quantitative cross-sectional survey questionnaire method. The instruments used were effective succession planning & management (SP&M) and adapted version of the multifactor leadership questionnaire. The obtained data was processed using SPSS program and were analysed on descriptive, correlational and regression. the findings show transformational leadership has significantly contributed to succession planning (ß=.116, p<0.05). Therefore, this indicated that transformational leadership contributed significantly towards succession planning at .05 level of significance as perceived by the subject heads in the organization of the studied population. Conclusively, the succession planning is influenced by leadership characteristic as perceived by followers. The implication of the study is that the school principals should be able to provide a great characteristic style and always ensure their high leadership performance is significantly related to succession planning.

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