International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring the Leadership Experience of Malaysian Celebrities Participating in Political Parties and Community-Based Organizations

Open access
Recently, in Malaysia, celebrity participation as a leader has been depicted as a significant factor in boosting the sense of meaning and purpose within a leadership practice in political parties and community-based organizations. This study's primary objective is to investigate the leadership experiences of Malaysian celebrities, including their participation as leaders and their utilization of political parties and community organizations. These approaches have been deciphered as the most precise methods for studying a phenomenon of this sort; hence, qualitative research strategies were picked. Twelve actively involved celebrity leaders in political parties and community organizations were surveyed and provided data. The study found seventeen themes related to four main research questions. Mostly in-depth interviews with the informants were used to acquire data for the study's intended objective. Each interview lasted between one and two hours, was tape-recorded, transcribed word-for-word, and manually examined. This study has also made use of resources from libraries, newspapers, internet publications, journals, and magazines, among other sources. The reliability of the study was ensured by member verification, peer review, and the preservation of an audit trail.
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