International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Positive Youth Development through Sports among Urban Poor Youth in Subang Jaya, Malaysia

Open access
Nowadays maximize youth experiences in community sports programs, especially for vulnerable and/or marginalized youth who may have limited access and opportunity to these experiences is vital. This study examined how community youth sports programs have been community-focused in developing the youth’s life skills and creating positive youth development (PYD) among urban poor youths in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. Therefore, this study was conducted using a qualitative case study approach with participants that were chosen through purposive sampling. After interviewing eight interviewees, eight themes emerged using MAXQDA 20.0 statistics software. The study findings showed that a significant PYD that is measured through 8Cs of PYD based on Malaysian Youth Policy and the birth of the eighth C in the youths through the sports-based youth development programs. The study was able to capture and highlight the significant changes in the youths’ lives.

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