International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Creating a Long-Term Safe Workplace in Garment Industry of Bangladesh: A Review

Open access
For the past 20 years, Bangladesh's socioeconomic situation has been greatly influenced by the garment industry. In this nation, there are close to 5600 active ready-to-wear manufacturers, and close to 4.4 million people are employed in this industry. Recent building collapses and fire incidents made it imperative that this industry address the urgent issue of a sustainable working environment. Employee discontent, job instability, and low productivity are consequences of unfavorable working circumstances. Therefore, our goal was to look into the sustainable and secure working conditions for Bangladeshi garment workers. This reviewed article aimed to investigate Bangladesh's garment industry's existing working conditions and possible establishment routes for a sustainable workplace. This review study employed a few keywords to gather secondary data from journals, books, and social media. The publications that were reviewed mainly were those that were published between 2000 and 2022. The findings show that concerns with worker health and safety must be addressed. The majority of employees are not happy with their workplaces. This research discovered that workers—especially female workers—are repressed and denied access to their fundamental rights. It is recommended that a comfortable workplace be established for the employees. However, cooperative efforts by GOs, NGOs, and stakeholders are necessary to maintain workplace safety.
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