International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Challenges of Journalist Verification in the digital age on Society: A Thematic Review

Open access
Verification is an integral part of journalism and is usually done before or during publication. It is a basic rule of professional journalism to check facts, but the digital age has created new challenges for journalists. However, previous research has shown that no review paper talks about the patterns of challenges of journalists' verification practices on society. Therefore, this article presents a thematic review of the selected publications to explore the challenges faced by journalists' verification practices in recent years. The thematic review aims to summarise the literature from 2018 to 2022 on the challenges of journalists' verification in the digital age and their effects on society using a thematic review. A keyword search followed by inclusion criteria from the SCOPUS, WOS and Mendeley databases identified 226 peer-reviewed journal articles. However, only 34 publications were included as final articles for review after the inclusion and exclusion process. A thematic review of the 34 articles identified five main themes: Social media use and fake news; media accuracy; verification practice and technology; professional and organisational and media trust; and social and political impact. The findings will benefit knowledge of journalist verification trends and future studies of journalist verification practice.

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