International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Organization Development and Sustainability in Youth Organization

Open access

Anis Suriany Che Mohd Shukree, Mohd Mursyid Arshad, Ismi Arif Ismail, Siti Noormi Alias

Pages 124-137 Received: 15 Jun, 2023 Revised: 18 Jul, 2023 Published Online: 20 Aug, 2023
Organizational development programs are essential for organization to achieve their goals and enhance their effectiveness. Improved effectiveness can result in higher quality operations and increased productivity of human resources. Therefore, it is crucial for all organization to undergo an organizational development program that assesses their system, structure, process, strategy, and technology. Such a program can improve the excellence of human resources in the organization. An effective strategy can promote organizational sustainability, but as the environment changes, organization need to review their strategies in organizational development planning. Thus, this paper discusses the literature for organizational sustainability in profit and non-profit. Previous research has shown that both profit-based and non-profit-based organization face challenges in maintaining sustainability due to social, economic, and political changes. This is because these changes can affect each non-profit organization, which has its own unique mission, strategy, and goals. Youth organization as non-profit organization commencing with the organization’s decision to formally endorse the innovation, is best characterized as a period of experimentation through which innovative ideas are incrementally translated into youth organization sustainability.

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