International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Cybersecurity Issues among High School Students: A Thematic Review

Open access
Cybersecurity refers to the methods and technology used to prevent unauthorised access, use, disclosure, interruption, alteration, or the destruction of computer systems, networks, and sensitive information from cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks are among the most severe issues confronting today's fast-changing technology. Individuals well-versed in cybersecurity can identify, respond to, and limit the impact of cyber threats on them. There have been reports of people being assaulted with cyber threats despite their expertise in cybersecurity. A variety of elements, including individual characteristics, cause this cyber-attack. Therefore, this thematic study aims to emphasise the elements that encourage high school students, to incorporate cybersecurity into their daily life, mainly when using the internet. Aside from that, the elements are referred to avoid cyber-attacks. A list of keywords relevant to the scope of this study is used in two databases, namely Scopus and Science Direct, in which a total of 27 papers were finalised to be reviewed. A thematic review was conducted using ATLAS.ti version 22, the papers were coded, categorised, and themed. The finding revealed four final themes: demographic, psychological, family, and societal elements. The new results have contributed to the unique elements related to cybersecurity issues among high school students. This study benefits future research focusing on aspects that could drive high school students to practice cybersecurity so that they will not become the victims of cyber-predator.

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