International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Preventive Measures, Main Challenges and The Effectiveness of The Programs Developed in Dealing with Out-Of-Wedlock Pregnancies among Adolescents and Youths in Malaysia

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The rise of out-of-wedlock pregnancies in Malaysia has become an alarming concern, posing significant socio-cultural and economic challenges for the country. Given the country's conservative cultural norms and the potential for an increase in single-parent households, the issue not only affects the individuals directly involved, but also has broader implications for society. This study thus aims to explore the preventive measures, main challenges and the effectiveness of the programs developed for the out-of-wedlock pregnancies among teenagers and youth in Selangor, Malaysia. In the study, a qualitative case study approach, interviews, and document research were used, and six informants were selected to offer perspectives from the viewpoint of an expert panel. The findings suggested that the preventive measures can be implemented through top-down and bottom-up processes. The main challenges are poor knowledge among married or soon-to-be-married couples, parental busyness, and the environment. The findings also explained that the existing laws in Malaysia are insufficient or ineffective in raising awareness among teenagers and youth. The study's implications suggest improving and refining micro and macro-level programs to achieve a comprehensive approach to reducing out-of-wedlock pregnancies.

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