International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Content and Language Integrated Learning Teacher Training for Elementary Education in China

Open access
English Curriculum Standard for Compulsory Education (2022) of China sets core competencies as the cultivation concept during its nine-year compulsory education. As a bilingual teaching of a subject with a foreign language (mainly English), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) caters for the educational needs of China. Therefore, CLIL projects are being carried out among some primary in-service English teachers. The purpose of this study was to investigate how instructors felt about their level of proficiency when teaching CLIL. Two instructors agreed to a 30-minute interview, and participants completed an online Likert-scaled questionnaire based on the CLIL Teacher's Competence Grid. The findings showed that many in-service teachers could not understand the concept of CLIL with other comparable teaching approaches, and some of them acknowledged they needed further training due to its complexity and adaptability.

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Project 1: Research on the Competences of CLIL teacher in Primary School under the English Curriculum Criterion for Basic Education (2022) (SGH22Y1752)
Project 2: Social Practice Curriculum of Instructional Skills of English (ZK2144)