International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Islamic Endowment in The Light of The Qur’an and Sunnah and its Role in The Development of Scientific Research: An Analytical Study

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The contemporary world suffers from multiple economic problems, which have had a significant impact on various aspects of life, including the scientific aspects, as they led to a lack of financial support for scientific projects, hence the urgent need to revive the Islamic endowment system to support scientific institutions in a way that helps develop scientific research. The problem statement of this research lies in the lack of spending of Islamic countries on scientific research, due to the economic difficulties experienced by most of these countries, which necessitated the consideration of other alternatives to meet the needs of scientific institutions, so this research came to encourage scientific waqf, for the benefit of researchers and educational institutions. In this research, the inductive analytical method was used, by collecting the data related to the concept of scientific waqf, and analyzed it in order to achieve the purposes of scientific waqf. This research identifies that: (1) The scientific endowment is that you keep some assets with the intent of working to develop the scientific research process in its comprehensiveness in a way that benefits the community, and the ruling of the endowment is that; it is legitimate according to the Sunnah and consensus; (2) There are several means for the scientific endowment to achieve its legitimate purposes, including benefiting from the cash endowment in the development of scientific research, benefiting from money by lending it to students, buying real estate and its proceeds from the scientific endowment in order to benefit from the proceeds to finance the scientific research; (3) There are several models and types of scientific endowments, for example, development of education in Malaysia through the scientific endowment. Finally, it suggests further studies to shed light about the importance of educating the Ummah about the importance of the scientific endowment in Islam to solve the problems of the society, and to come up with the most important ways to invest in the scientific endowment in Islam.
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