International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Mediator Effect of Personality Traits on the Relationship Between Job Stress and Job Satisfaction among University Support Staffs

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Job satisfaction is a critical issue that is frequently emphasized in organizational management because it can influences employee decision making, behaviour, enthusiasm, commitment and productivity as well as contributes to the organization’s goals. However, studies on the determinants of job satisfaction, particularly toward the university support staff is scarce. Hence, this study aims to investigate the mediator effect of Big Five personality traits on the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction among the university support staffs. There were 272 data was collected and was analysed using Structural Equation Modeling through SmartPLS SEM software. The findings showed that job stress, particularly career and achievement component had a significant indirect effect on job satisfaction through the two personality traits of conscientiousness and agreeableness as mediators.

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