International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Business Entrepreneurship on Marketing Performance at Jordanian Commercial Banks

Open access
The aim of this research was to explore how various facets of entrepreneurship (including innovation, proactivity, and risk management) influence different dimensions of marketing performance (such as customer satisfaction, loyalty, and acquisition) within commercial banks in Jordan. The study society consists of (644) managers in Jordanian commercial banks, and the sample using random sample, in (13) banks. The study devised a questionnaire data collection as a tool, and the Quantitative approach (analytical descriptive) was used, and Numerous statistical methodologies employed were.
The research results indicate that there's a strong correlation between effective marketing performance and its perceived significance. Both marketing performance and entrepreneurial tendencies scored high in terms of their perceived importance. Furthermore, there's a significant positive link between entrepreneurial facets and marketing outcomes in Jordan's commercial banks. To capitalize on this, the study advises bank managers to harness the evident synergy between entrepreneurial actions and marketing achievements. By doing so, banks can bolster their reputation and position in the marketplace. There's an emphasis on the need for banking leaders to prioritize creativity and innovation since these are integral to the bank's marketing efficacy and service enhancement. The study also underscores the importance of proactivity in offering banking services, given its crucial role in strengthening the bank's competitive edge.

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