International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Students’ Approaches to Learning in Responding to an Annotation Task

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In reading, students should pay close attention to the purpose of reading because this will help them to identify appropriate strategies. Similarly, students in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classroom should know why and how to read, as academic reading goes beyond simply understanding a text. Hence, understanding students’ approaches to learning in the EAP classroom is important because it provides insights to instructors on their motives for learning and the strategies they use to learn. This study used the qualitative method to explore students’ approaches to learning in responding to an annotation task in the EAP classroom. A delayed stimulated recall interview and students’ written samples were used for data acquisition. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings showed how the students read, made sense of reading materials, and responded to the task. Moreover, the findings also showed that the students adopted a surface motive in learning and a mix of surface and deep strategies in responding to the task.
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