International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factor Analysis on The School Innovation Culture Scale in The Malaysian Context

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Innovation culture is the key to today's educational advancement and reformation. If we want the educational system to be more open to new ideas in innovation, it is therefore necessary to develop a foundation of shared values, norms and practices within the school community. Thus, this study used the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) methods to build and validate the instrument in innovation culture, consists of 44 items based on Martins and Terblanche theory. Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences version 26 and Structural Equation Modelling version 24.0 were used to evaluate the data. The questionnaire was distributed to 478 teachers in Sabah, Malaysia. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) developed a four-factor model with 21 items known as Strategy (SG), Structure (SR), Support Mechanism (MS) and Innovative Behaviour (TLI). Meanwhile, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis generated 17 items that supported the four factors hypothesis. The model fit index showed a Chi-squared/degree of freedom (Chisq/df) value at 3.940, Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) at 0.954, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) at 0.962; and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) at 0.071. The composite reliability (CR) and average variance (AVE) derived from the domains varied between 0.878 to 0.934 (CR) and 0.615 to 0.732 (AVE). The analysis showed that the instrument is accurate and reliable to measure innovation culture in the school context. Validation of this model can significantly use to assess the determinants of innovation culture in educational settings.

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