International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Factors that Influence Line Managers' Involvement in Human Resources Management

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Line managers have an important role in implementing human resource initiatives, as they are managers who are responsible for implementing human resource practices at the product or service delivery stage. Human resource activities, including training have always been part of the line manager's role. The purpose of this research is study the relationship of line manager’s engagement in Human Resource Management. A total of three factors have been identified as the drivers of line manager involvement in line managers namely desire, self-efficacy and human resource support. A total of 152 line managers from one Private Institution Southern University College (SUC) in Johor were chosen to be respondents for this study and the data collected for analysis purposes. The data of this research has been collected through study. This study will be conducted using quantitative approach by using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Data analysis for this study was using descriptive methods such as simple linear regression analysis. The findings of this study show that there is a significant relationship between the desires of LM to engage in HRM. The findings also emphasize that there does not significant relationship between self-efficacy and HR support among LM in HRM. In conclusion, self-efficiency and HR support can implies productive development in such administrative motives and boost the quality of line managers job performance.
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