International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Plagiarism Experience among Higher Education Students

Open access
An increase cases of plagiarism has been observed among higher education students as access to information is becoming easier and faster online. This study aimed to explore plagiarism practice among higher education students and factors that might contribute towards the practice. The study employed a qualitative case study research design and involved five undergraduate students from a few private and public higher learning institutions. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. The study found that only a small number of students do not aware of plagiarism issue in higher learning while most students are aware of plagiarism issue with some of them have sufficient knowledge on various forms of plagiarism practiced in higher learning. The study discovered that students’ attitude and inefficient time management are major factors that contribute toward the plagiarism practice. The students continued to engage in plagiarism because they can get away with the practice as students did not receive any reminder, warning or penalty from lecturers upon their unethical conducts. The study suggested that there is a need for higher education institutions to assist students to master academic writing skills across courses such as the ability to think critically and independently in writing, and the ability to summarise, synthesise and paraphrase ideas, and cite sources in writing. The study also recommended for any development of students’ learning assessment to incorporate elements of academic writing skills across courses.

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