International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effectiveness of The Type of Succession Planning towards The Sustainability of Social Enterprise Business in Malaysia

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A social enterprise is an organization that holds private activities in the public's interest and runs with an entrepreneurial strategy but primarily focuses on achieving social and economic goals. Although the maximization of profit is not underscored, it still proposes innovative solutions to problems such as unemployment and social exclusion. This study will address the gap and examine the relationships between the sustainability of social enterprise business (i.e., dependent variable) and the effectiveness of the four types of succession planning (i.e., independent variables) mentioned by Gothard and Austin (2013), which include (1) relay succession planning; (2) non-relay succession planning; (3) external succession planning, and (4) boomerang succession planning. The importance of this topic is that it has revealed even an HRM-related matter, such as succession planning, often overlooked and not given much thought by company. The essential step is to determine which type of succession planning is ideal for the differences and nature of the firm because no single type of succession planning can be employed as a workable succession plan for all social enterprises. Data was collected from a sample of 188 working members from social enterprises in Malaysia. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used to analyze this study's data. This study is using quantitative analysis. The quantitative analysis provides information on the independent variable and the implication on dependent variable. To analyze the data, internal consistency of the scale use was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha, as this is the most common accepted and widely used measure of reliability. A descriptive research design and correlation approach was used in the study. In addition, regression analyses were used to test the hypothesis. As a result, relay succession planning, non-relay succession planning, external succession planning, and boomerang succession planning are positively and significantly correlated to the sustainability of social enterprise business in Malaysia. Recommendation to future researcher is that in order to better grasp the effectiveness of the types of succession planning on the sustainability of social enterprises is to conduct a qualitative study. This type of research method is more appropriate to examine a phenomenon and extract in-depth insights based on an individual’s perception or experience, resulting in richer narrative and data. Furthermore, this research method would employ open-ended research items in a semi-structured fashion, hence diving deep into a research problem that is not well understood.

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