International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Perceived Health Risk Influence on Malaysians Intention to Visit Hotels Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic

Open access

Ahmad Afifie Firdaus Zailan, Muhammad Najmi Mohd Radhi, Norrina Din, Nurhamizah Mohamad Amini

Pages 1325-1353 Received: 12 Jul, 2023 Revised: 15 Aug, 2023 Published Online: 17 Sep, 2023
This study aims to examine the relationship between attitude (ATT), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioural control (PBC), perceived health risk (PHR), and intention to visit hotels in Penang during the COVID -19 pandemic, particularly during the RMCO period. This study focuses on the Malaysian state of Pulau Pinang and collects data through an online survey with 125 respondents from some travel-related Facebook pages and private groups. According to the results of this study, there is a significant direct relationship between the exogenous variables of attitude (ATT), perceived behavioural control (PBC), perceived health risk (PHR), and intention to visit hotels in Penang during the RMCO period. Few studies have attempted to explain the relationship between perceived health risks and hotel visitation intentions, especially in Malaysia. Therefore, this study will contribute to the literature on the direct influence of perceived health risk on intention to visit hotels.

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