International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Can Business Intelligence Promote the Radical and Incremental Innovation? Knowledge Management and Agility Organization in a Moderated Mediation Model

Open access
Purpose: This paper investigates the relationship between business intelligence (BI) and the radical and incremental innovation of Jordanian industrial firms through the mediating role of knowledge management capability and the moderating role of organizational agility.
Design/methodology/approach: A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 314 respondents in the industrial sector. Analyzing the data was performed using SmartPLS using a bootstrapping method. It was observed that knowledge management capability had a mediating effect and organizational agility had a moderating effect
Findings : Due to the statistical significance of the relationships between the constructs, the proposed moderated-mediation model was accepted. According to the data analysis, business intelligence is positively correlated with innovation capability, and knowledge management plays a mediating role. A moderating relationship is found between knowledge management and radical or incremental innovation in terms of organization agility. As a result of these results, BI and KMC are key components of enhancing radical and incremental innovation in the context of organizational agility Research
limitations/implications: There are methodological limitations that affect the generalization of the results of this cross-sectional study, as well as the fact that the results are restricted to one sector
Originality/value :In this study, BI, KMC, organizational agility, and radical and incremental innovation were integrated into a theoretical model. The concept of moderated mediation is tested in the industrial sector in this paper, adding new theoretical and practical contributions to the innovation literature. Differentiating this study from other studies, it focuses on BI and KMC's role in enhancing organizational advantages in the Jordanian industrial sector through integral and incremental innovation

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