International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Challenges of Da’wah to The Semai Community in Pos Lemoi Cameron Highlands

Open access

Ainuddin bin Kamaruddin, Norfadelah binti Nordin, Wan Hashridz Rizal bin Wan Abu Bakar, Siti Masliah binti Mohd Nuri

Pages 1279-1288 Received: 10 Jul, 2023 Revised: 13 Aug, 2023 Published Online: 15 Sep, 2023
Da’wah activities to the Orang Asli community in Malaysia have been ongoing for decades and have been carried out by various parties including individuals and organizations. Unfortunately, the rate of Islamization among the Orang Asli is still low. There are various factors contributing to this, including the challenges faced by preachers in Orang Asli villages, to the extent that the goal of Islamizing 100% of the Orang Asli population in several targeted villages by the Islamic Religious Council has not been achieved, including Pos Lemoi located in the interior of Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges faced by preachers in their efforts to convey Islam in Pos Lemoi. This study holds significance in furnishing pertinent data concerning the challenges of da’wah in Pos Lemoi. The resultant data and thematic insights have the potential to aid religious authorities in Pahang in formulating more efficacious da’wah strategies for the future. This study used a semi-structured interview method to obtain primary data from preachers who have experience in preaching in Pos Lemoi. The data from the interview transcripts were then analysed using ATLAS.ti Version 9 to identify themes related to da’wah challenges. The study found that the main challenge in conveying da’wah to the Orang Asli community of the Semai tribe in Pos Lemoi is the problem of attitudes and perceptions of the residents. This includes issues such as inconsistent attendance in religious classes, shyness, considering knowledge unimportant, the perception that Islamic teachings are difficult, and a mindset that they are difficult to learn due to their age. Other challenges such as transportation problems to Pos Lemoi, internal problems of preachers, and the attitudes of Muslims themselves were also identified from the interviews conducted. The study also identified that the implications of the challenges and problems faced by preachers resulted in low acceptance of Islamic da’wah among the Semai community in Pos Lemoi. Future studies are expected to pay attention to the methodological aspects and da’wah strategies to the Orang Asli community who live far in the interior of the Cameron Highlands district and examine the factors that attract or hinder the acceptance of Islam among them.

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