International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Conceptual Paper on the Relationship between the Multidimensions of Transformational Leadership and Project Success

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The significance of a transformational leader’s abilities goes beyond short term guidance, and more importantly to secure long term results and performance. The importance of taking into account multiple dimensional enhancements cannot be overstated as these dimensions allow academics and business professionals to identify the crucial elements of transformational leadership that are accountable for project success and subsequently success in the workplace. As an expansion of theory, it is crucial to understand which characteristics of transformational leadership have an impact on an organization's performance, competitiveness, and project outcomes. Thus, this study will strengthen the conceptual framework by examining the first order construct dimensions of transformational leadership (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, employee appreciation, and performance expectation) along with their relationships to the dependent variable (project success). The methodology of this study is based on comprehensive and extensive literature reviews by consolidating various dimensions, while validating the relationship towards the dependant variable, project success. The major finding from this study was the correlation of additional dimensions (performance expectation and employee appreciation) of transformational leadership. Future research may utilize the extended framework from this conceptual paper to execute quantitative research on specific geographical locations or industries to compliment the effectiveness of the variables.

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