International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Information and Communication Technology And Behavioral Intention: A Review Paper

Open access

Siti Nur Rohani Hasbie, Mohamad Ibrani Shahrimin Adam Assim, Shairil Izwan Taasim, Abdul Khalid Mahdi

Pages 1121-1129 Received: 17 Jul, 2023 Revised: 19 Aug, 2023 Published Online: 21 Sep, 2023
The rapid growth and broad usage of information and communication technology (ICT) had transformed social interactions within the areas of human communication, business, health care, and all major domains of human endeavors. This study investigated the relationship between the factors of behavioral intentions and the impact of ICT on people's willingness and propensity to engage their behaviors The objective in this study is to explore the current literature review regarding ICT and behavioral intention among communities. By examining existing literature, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how ICT usage influences behavioral intention. The methodology in this study is to use Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar databases to search for relevant journal articles. ICT refers to technology and tools used to create, manage and exchange regional information more quickly and efficiently. Behavioral intention relates to people's subjective ability or willingness to engage in and act in a particular way.The results of the study show that there is a positive relationship between behavioral intentions and the use of ICT in the community. This study recommends future researchers to explore the increasingly complex mainstream studies on behavioral intentions by examining integrated models and neo-conceptual frameworks such as the Integrated Behavioral Model (IBM) based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the technology acceptance model (TAM).

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