International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: Evidence from Klang Valley Customers of Local Coffee Shop in Malaysia

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The competition between local coffee shop has intensified as a result of the rise in worldwide coffee consumption, necessitating the search for strategies to encourage repeat business. In light of this context, the goal of this study is to examine factors namely: product quality, service quality, restaurant environment in influencing customer satisfaction and revisit intention among customers on local coffee shops in Malaysia. The data was gathered through distribution of questionnaire among 394 respondents who had experiences patronizing local coffee shops in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Findings revealed that product quality, service quality and restaurant environment can lead to customer satisfaction and revisit intention among customers. It served as a foundation for future academicians or researchers that would like to explore on Coffee Shop Restaurant Management as this study will give better understanding of product quality, service quality and restaurant environment influencing customer satisfaction and revisit intention on local coffee shop among customers in Malaysia. In encapsulating the industry perspective, this study will benefit several parties comprise of coffee shop restaurant operators, owners, managers and customers to better understand strategies that can be adopted to strengthen their restaurant reputation and image by satisfying customers’ needs and wants. Future

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