International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Strategy of Developing Speaking Skills among the Students of the Maahad Tahfiz Arabic Al-Gontory, Rembau

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This article presents a strategy for developing speaking skills in learning and acquiring Arabic language for students of Maahad Tahfiz Arabic Al-Gontory, Rembau. This research aims to provide a better understanding of foreign language learning and to identify effective methods for improving speaking skills in the Institute's environment. For this purpose, data analysis was carried out using a qualitative methodology that included processing the data collected through interviews and observations. The findings indicated that some of the Arabic language teachers at the Institute need to improve their teaching methods to improve students' speaking skills. To explore this topic, the Institute has implemented a range of strategies, including the creation of a permanent environment for students to practice speaking Arabic and using teaching techniques that focus on pronunciation and vocabulary building. This research also highlights the importance of considering several factors affecting the preparation of syllabuses, teaching methods, and the roles of teachers and students in language education when developing effective strategies to improve speaking skills in general. This article provides valuable insight into the challenges of Arabic language education and offers practical solutions to improve students' speaking abilities.

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