International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Parent Concern in Safeguard Primary Children on Road Safety

Open access
There is a lot of traffic at the school entrance since parents are dropping off or picking up their children at the school premises. The situation becomes worse during peak hours. This led to the emergence of three concerns among parents about safeguarding children: the drop-off location for children at school entry, traffic congestion around school, and road safety facilities. In this context, parental concerns must be investigated in the Malaysian context as well, as it would help the school improve safety measures for the children. Thus, the study collected data from parents at a primary school as respondents. The result of the study revealed that traffic congestion emerged as the most prominent concern, with the highest mean score of 4.82. Another major finding shows that drop-off space and traffic congestion negatively correlate with parents' concerns, indicating their adverse impact on parents' perceptions of road safety at school compounds. In contrast, facilities related to road safety displayed a positive correlation, indicating their positive influence on parents' concerns. The study also identified positive correlations between drop-off space and traffic congestion, drop-off space and facilities related to road safety, and traffic congestion and facilities related to road safety. Multiple regression analysis confirmed that these three issues explained 74.0% of the variation in parents' concerns about children's road safety at school compounds. The outcome of this study has been shared with the school for further action, and as a continuation, future studies will focus on supporting the outcome with evidence by conducting road safety observation and specification inspections around the school compound.

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