International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Psychometric Properties of the Antecedents of Green Purchasing Behaviour: A Pilot Reliability and Validity Study

Open access
Measuring consumers' green purchasing behaviours with reliable instruments is crucial for assessing consumers’ eco-friendly behaviours, and this requires a valid and reliable instrument designed specifically to evaluate such behaviours. This pilot study aims to assess the reliability and validity of a questionnaire for assessing informational social influence, normative social influence, objective environmental knowledge, subjective environmental knowledge, perceived self-efficacy, general environmental attitude, specific environmental attitude, and mindfulness as antecedents of green purchasing behaviour. Data were collected through an electronic survey of 30 Jordanian consumers and analysed using SPSS 27.0. Based on computed Cronbach’s ? values (ranging from 0.617 to 0.897) and composite reliability scores (lowest = 0.846, highest = 0.932), the result supported all the construct measures as reliable. Similarly, item factor loadings (ranging from 0.516 to 0.938) and average variance explained (AVE) statistics (lowest = 0.548, highest = 0.732) confirmed the validity of construct measures. The pilot results suggest that the questionnaire is suitable for assessing consumers’ green purchasing behaviour.
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