International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Training Satisfaction and Entrepreneurs’ Attitude to Training in North West Nigeria

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Based on the expectancy confirmation theory (ECT), this study analysed the direct correlation of training satisfaction with entrepreneurs’ attitude to training using data collected in a cross-sectional survey of 142 SME owners (Age: x? = 41.51, SD = 8.31; Experience: x? = 11.20, SD = 0.70) who had attended at least one of SMEDAN’s entrepreneurial training programmes in seven states of North West Nigeria. The descriptive statistics were produced in JASP while the inferential parameters were computed in SmartPLS. Results of bootstrapping analysis revealed a positive and significant relationship between training satisfaction and entrepreneurs’ attitude to training (? = 0.582, t = 9.196, p < 0.001: LCI = 0.436, UC = 0.686). The results further indicated that training satisfaction accounted for 33.90% of the variance in entrepreneurs’ attitude to training (? = 0.339, t = 4.470, p < 0.001). The overall result is consistent with the propositions of the ECT that a confirmation of a person’s expectations about an outcome induces a positive attitude in that person about matters relating to the outcome. The study recommends SMEDAN to place greater emphasis on aligning its portfolio of training programmes with the needs of owners of SMEs in Nigeria.

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