International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Public Perception and Confidence Level towards Current Ruling Government: A Case Study in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Open access

Darrold Hansen Mathew, Norfarahzila binti Mohd Zamri, Leviana Andrew, Siti Fatimah Abdul Latiff

Pages 494-503 Received: 05 Jul, 2023 Revised: 10 Aug, 2023 Published Online: 14 Sep, 2023
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit globally, it threatened not only the healthcare systems and all industries but also the management of any government and therefore, the political situation in some countries. Hence, this study aims to determine the level of confidence level towards the current ruling government, to know the factor of public perception and to identify the relationship between public acceptance and level of confidence. Quantitative research in correlational nature will be carried out and the respondents within Kuching, Sarawak city area will be selected in this study. Data collected will be analyzed using SPSS Statistical software to calculate the necessary data. To know the level of confidence, the data will be analyzed descriptively based on mean and standard deviation. To determine the factor of level of confidence, it will be based on trust, COVID-19 management, and leadership as a factor. Pearson Correlation analysis will be used to determine the relationship between public perception and level of confidence. The findings of this study will be useful in determining the confidence level of the current ruling government which will illustrate the support of the public towards the government and indicate political stability in the country.

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