International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Nexus of Corporate Governance and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange

Open access

Hina Shahzadi, Abdur Rehman Arif, Shahzada Muhammad Emaad Khan Durrani, Talha Masood, Waqar Ahmad Nasir

Pages 468-479 Received: 04 Jul, 2023 Revised: 07 Aug, 2023 Published Online: 09 Sep, 2023
The study aims to examine the association between corporate governance (CG) and organizational performance considering some important factors of CG i.e., board size, audit committee, composition of board, and chief executive status. Organizational performance is measured through two important profitability ratios, Return on Equity (ROE), and Profit Margin (PM). Data are gathered from companies listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) 30-index. Study findings indicate that there are significant positive relationships among board size, composition of board and audit committee towards performance of firms (ROE and PM). However, this study does not provide significant relationship between CEO duality and organizational performance. This study extends the knowledge to help Pakistani listed companies improve performance through effective corporate governance practices. This study implies that corporations must exert more efforts to adopt the right blend of corporate governance to improve organizational performance. The core contribution of this study is that it enlightens the important insights into how the companies are really focusing on corporate governance with its core features.

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