International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Pakon Dance Manifest and Latent Functions in The Pakon Ritual Ceremony of The Lenek Ramban Biak Community, Lombok, Indonesia

Open access
The Pakon ritual is a revered ceremonial practise that seeks to alleviate a range of traditional ailments through the enactment of dances executed by individuals exhibiting signs of possession. The present study employs a qualitative research methodology utilising a case study design. The selection of participants for the research study was based on the snowball sampling method. The data collection approaches employed in this study encompass literature reviews, interviews, and documentation analysis. Data analysis techniques encompass several methods such as data simplification, data display, and conclusion or verification. The theoretical framework employed in this study is based on Robert King Merton's (1968) theory of manifest functions and latent functions. The findings of this study indicate that the Pakon dance serves as a manifest function and a method of treatment. The utilisation of the function as a therapeutic medium in the Pakon dance is executed through two distinct methods. The first approach involves the act of dancing upon the smouldering embers, while the second method entails striking the ‘mayang’ flower on the afflicted area of the body. The pakon dance serves both mystical and entertainment functions, with the former being its latent function. One key aspect that contributes to the fulfilment of the mystical function in the performance of pakon dance is the presence of diverse offerings. Furthermore, it is worth noting that those who are possessed by supernatural forces exhibit a remarkable ability to withstand pain, as seen by their lack of sensitivity to the sensation and absence of blistering on their skin when engaging in the act of dancing upon scorching embers. This research holds significant importance due to its extensive study of the challenges related with the Pakon ritual, thus encouraging a connection between traditional practises and contemporary perspectives. The use of a rigorous methodology in the study's design facilitates an in-depth study of the psychological and social effects associated with the Pakon ritual. Furthermore, it affords the possibility to engage in cross-cultural analysis of similar healing rituals. In summary, this research contributes to the advancement of our comprehension about a highly regarded cultural phenomenon, offering valuable perspectives on past therapeutic methodologies and their relevance in today's society.

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