International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Comparative Analysis of National Automotive Policies with a Focus on Sustainable Development: Malaysia, Japan, Korea, China, India, the European Union (EU), and the USA

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This journal article presents a comparative analysis of national automotive policies, specifically focusing on sustainable development in Malaysia, Japan, Korea, China, India, Europe, and the USA. The study examines the critical aspects of these policies, including their vision and objectives, regulatory frameworks, research and development initiatives, sustainable mobility efforts, and measures to promote environmental sustainability within the automotive sector. The article provides insights into how different countries approach sustainable development in their respective automotive industries by analyzing the similarities and differences among these policies. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the strategies and priorities adopted by these countries to achieve sustainable growth and mitigate environmental impacts in the automotive sector. The research outcomes can inform policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers in shaping future automotive policies and fostering international cooperation to address sustainability challenges in the global automotive industry.

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