International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Soft Leadership in the Quality of Work life An Applied Study on a Sample of Employees Working in Al Aitihad Food Industries

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The concept of ''soft leadership'' is examined in depth throughout this article as an essential component of effective leadership. The first section of the article is devoted to doing a literature study on the shift in viewpoint that has occurred over the course of the past few years on what aspects of leadership are most important, as well as the substantial adjustments that this shift has triggered in some facets of education and corporate recruitment. "The outcomes of the survey that was administered to the workforce at Al-Aitihad company for Food Industries are discussed in the second section of this article. By utilizing a multi-method approach that consisted of a survey model with questions and data analysis in a phenomenological trend, a number of interesting findings emerged, supporting the literature reviewed, that soft leadership skills, such as vision, communication, and emotional intelligence, are steadily on the rise and that greater attention should be apportioned to strengthen these skills in future leaders".

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