International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Legitimate Alternative to Usurious Loans in Islamic Banks (Joint Speculation as a Model)

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In light of the accelerating changes and emerging calamities in the world, people are in need of financial transactions based on equality and psychological security far from usury and exploitation of their circumstances and needs, and this can only be achieved by following the law of God Almighty and diligence in the texts The Book of God, the Sunnah of His Messenger, and consensus to work on finding legitimate alternatives to usurious transactions, and to produce new financing formulas that simulate Islamic products; To prevent damage to money and protect it from loss and damage. The problem of the study revolves around the statement of the legal alternative to the usurious loan transaction in the usurious banks by financing the funds through the joint speculation transaction in the Islamic banks. The researcher followed the applied analytical approach, which is based on explaining the meaning of the legal alternative in financial transactions, its importance and legitimacy, and an explanation of its characteristics and the legal adaptation of it. Then employing that in mentioning a practical application of joint speculation treatment in Islamic banks.
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