International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Contributing Factors of Willingness in Families Counseling among Low SES Parents' in Malaysia

Open access
The process of family counseling among parents of low SES income groups has been proven to be able to help families deal with crises and conflicts in the family. However, it is often not taken seriously and the awareness to get the service is still lacking among them. This study aims to explore the aspects that encourage the willingness of parents from the low SES group to attend family counseling sessions in dealing with the issue of children dropping out in education. A qualitative approach using this case study design was carried out on 4 parents consisting of three mothers and one father whose household income status is in the low SES category and living around Selangor. Research data was obtained from semi-structured interviews and using thematic analysis methods. The results of the study found that 3 themes have emerged, namely i. want the best for a family, ii. support of family members and iii. admit a lack of knowledge. This theme is discussed by focusing on the importance of family counseling services in helping parents as the main subsystem in the family in order to ensure that there is no dropout of children's education among their families.

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