This study was conducted to investigate the effects of work stress on psychological well-being (eudaimonic) during the shift from COVID-19 pandemic phase to the endemic phase with social support as a moderator. The sample of this study comprised 150 employees who hold various positions at both executive and support levels in the public and private sectors. Hypothesis testing was conducted using the Smart PLS 3.0 software by utilizing the regression analysis test to examine the direct relationship and moderating relationship. The results of the study showed the existence of a negative relationship between work stress and psychological well-being (eudaimonic), while social support moderates this relationship. This study can provide valuable input to managements to strengthen social support as a moderator for employees’ stress level through motivation and training, given that a large number of employees face work stress when they are handling the challenging transition from COVID-19 pandemic to endemic phase. This study will empirically prove the significant effects of work stress which impair employees’ psychological well-being, specifically on the eudaimonic perspective, while strengthening the literature on the underlying mechanism of social support (superiors, co-workers, family, and friends) during the challenging time (endemic phase). By studying workplace stress, researchers, policymakers, and organizations can work collaboratively to identify effective strategies for prevention, intervention, and creating healthier work environments. Ultimately, examining the impact of workplace stress on eudaimonic psychological well-being provides a richer and more nuanced understanding of what it means to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. This field of research contributes to a more thorough understanding of human flourishing by providing a deeper and more holistic view on human well-being.
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