International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Pakistan-Iran Relationship in the Context of Regional and International Challenges (2001-2013)

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This research paper aims to examine the Pakistan-Iran Relationship in the context of Regional and International challenges emanated after 9/11 (2001). It will explore the internal and external challenges to the relationship, especially the role of US and India. I will also analyze the options available to the two partners for improving their relationship in order to enhance its efficacy and durability. Pakistan is an Islamic country which has been influenced by the U.S. preventing the free development of her society and stabbing her political autonomy. India on the other hand is increasing her influence in the South Asian security complex by making relations with the western neighbours of Pakistan. The Indo-US strategic partnership is also polarizing the balance of power in Indian favour thus sandwiching Pakistan on the east and west and seriously jeopardizing the external security milieu of Pakistan. This paper analyzes Pakistan-Iran relationship in the context of this web of relations among the contending and cooperating powers.