International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Significance of Correct Faith as the Fundamental Pillar of Unity: An In-depth Analysis

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Faith (‘aqidah) stands as the most crucial aspect in Islam. Strengthening one's faith renders a person a better Muslim, while neglecting it might lead a Muslim astray into unfavorable paths. In this context, unity stands as one of the imperative mandates in Islam. Unity serves as the key to the strength of the Muslim community and even to a nation as a whole. Through the method of document content analysis, this paper examines the significance of a sound faith as the primary core towards achieving unity among the Muslim community. Consequently, this paper identifies two major factors contributing to division: political and religious factors. Focusing on the religious factor, this paper concludes that adhering firmly to the authentic faith based on the Ahli Sunnah wal Jama‘ah principles is essential, as it is through this path that genuine unity can be attained. In the context of Malaysia, the reinforcement of the Ahli Sunnah wal Jama‘ah faith needs to be continually emphasized to maintain the existing unity.
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