International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Entrepreuner of Small and Medium-Sized Industry (Sme) in Women's Career Development

Open access
Returning to work after an extended absence from the professional world is not an easy endeavor, particularly for women. Various factors may lead a woman to leave work, such as caring for children with special needs or tending to sick family members, among others. However, after a period of time, this group may choose to rejoin the workforce due to financial obligations within the family, ensuring that all daily needs are met. With the rapid advancement of industry and technology, they also find themselves in competition with younger counterparts, as most organizations and companies tend to lean towards hiring younger employees. Small and medium-sized industries (SMEs) play a pivotal role in offering employment opportunities to women seeking to re-enter the workforce, thus contributing to the broader societal support system. Elements such as organizational management, business environment, capital and funding, skills and knowledge, as well as innovative and creative thinking, have been identified as crucial factors in entrepreneurial success, which can significantly impact the progress of women's careers. Additionally, elements like social support, self-efficacy, personality, and human capital also play a substantial role in their workplace success. This concept paper proposes that a more focused study be conducted to explore the impact of entrepreneur SMEs in fostering the career development of women, including the influencing factors. Furthermore, it is recommended to investigate the factors that motivate this group of women to re-enter the workforce.

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