International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Interaction between Demographic Factors of Malaysian Agriculture Teachers on The Practice of Involvement in Decision Making At The School Level

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Empowering the role of agriculture teachers in school-level decision-making has the potential to increase the sense of teamwork and shape quality decisions towards school improvement. This cross-sectional survey study was conducted to explore the interaction effect of demographic factors on the practice of involvement of Malaysian agriculture teachers in school level decision making. Among the selected demographic factors are gender and the highest educational qualification level among agriculture teachers in Malaysia. The level of involvement in school decision-making practices was also identified based on the perception of Malaysian agriculture teachers. A total of 352 agricultural teachers serving in national secondary schools were randomly selected from all over Malaysia as respondents. Each respondent received a distribution of the questionnaire through the postal service for the purpose of data collection. Findings emphasize that the majority of Malaysian agriculture teachers experience low levels of involvement in decision-making in schools. The study also found that the practice of involvement in decision-making that has not yet reached the maximum level tends to interact with gender factors and the highest level of educational qualification among Malaysian agricultural teachers. Therefore, demographic factors should be the focus of improvement efforts to increase the involvement of Malaysian agriculture teachers in making decisions at school. This study recommends that school leaders identify the needs of agriculture teachers according to selected demographic factors first in order to facilitate the alignment of engagement practices in decision-making in national secondary schools throughout Malaysia.

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