International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Sufism Approach Through The Blessing of The Quran in Emotional Recovery

Open access

Khadijah Kamaruddin, Tengku Zawani Tengku Zawawi, Muhammad Thoriq al-Siddiq Che Ahmad, Azhar Abdul Rahman

Pages 4314-4322 Received: 20 Oct, 2023 Revised: 23 Nov, 2023 Published Online: 26 Dec, 2023
This study examines the problem of emotional disorders and methods for emotional recovery based on the Sufism approach through the blessing of the Qur'an. Currently, emotional disturbances are the main cause of various mental illnesses. The implications of neglecting spiritual and religious demands keep people away from manifesting the image of Islam in line with moral and Islamic demands. In the end, people fell into the problem of emotional disorder with various social symptoms. This study aims to examine the Sufi approach through the blessing of the Quran in recovery from an emotional disorder. The methodology and design of the study is a qualitative study and forms a concept paper. The findings of the study prove that the blessings of the Quran, through a Sufi approach, can heal emotions through the concept of purifying the soul, such as reading the Quran, increasing righteous deeds like prayer, fasting, charity, zikr, contemplation, and seeking blessings through the Quran.
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