International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Reflections on China's Higher Education Reform Initiated by ChatGPT

Open access
Open AI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory in the United States, has developed an intelligent chat robot called ChatGPT. It can use multiple languages to respond to user requests for information, and can engage in simple conversations and discuss basic issues. It can also understand and analyze user language, and has certain anthropomorphic language abilities. As a representative of generative artificial intelligence, ChatGPT has become popular throughout the internet and has also attracted high attention from various levels and types of school education work worldwide. Is it an opportunity or a threat to China's higher education, and does it have a promoting effect on the reform of China's higher education? The full text briefly introduces ChatGPT and its focus, analyzes ChatGPT from a historical perspective, combines the current situation of China's higher education reform, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT application in China's higher education, and finally proposes suggestions for Chinese universities to scientifically and reasonably use ChatGPT. It is hoped that Chinese universities could use artificial intelligence to empower a new round of "classroom revolution", better respond to the arrival of the ChatGPT era, and promote higher education reform in China.

processing technology, ChatGPT is very intelligent and automatic in answering questions and generating articles. As a representative of generative artificial intelligence, ChatGPT can generate corresponding texts for teachers and students (Adiguzel, et al. 2023), such as course outlines, teaching materials, abstracts, translations, seminar works, paper writing, etc. (Kasneci, 2023). ChatGPT can also interact with users by answering a series of questions and providing appropriate answers (Clarizia et al., 2018). ChatGPT, as a dialogue system, should be able to understand the content of the conversation and identify users' social and emotional needs during the conversation process. It simulates and explains human communication, allowing individuals to use digital devices as if they are talking to real people (Ciechanowski, 2019). As a large-scale language model based on natural language, it is more conversational and seems to have more language talent, capable of answering subsequent questions, admitting errors, questioning incorrect premises, and rejecting inappropriate requests (Open AI, 2022).
Although its application has many advantages, there are also some potential threats (Fox News, 2017). For example , The content generated by ChatGPT is likely to be suspected of plagiarism or plagiarism (Marshall, 2023), especially in the writing of papers, which may seriously threaten the integrity and credibility of academic research. Some scholars and experts also believe that the content generated by ChatGPT may be completely independent ideas and viewpoints, rather than borrowing and imitating other works (Taecharungroj, 2023). Moreover, due to the intelligent and powerful ability of ChatGPT model to simulate human thinking, sometimes it may generate false information or inappropriate content, or even solemnly "nonsense", leading to misleading information and unreliable academic research (Jiao, 2023). In addition, the intelligence level of ChatGPT is becoming increasingly high, and improper handling of collected personal information may lead to many ethical issues such as personal information leakage (Jiao, et al., 2023). ChatGPT is even easily used by criminals to generate "toxic information" such as false or violent propaganda, including but not limited to affecting academic performance, mental health, values, etc. (Jiao, 2023). In China, we are also concerned that ChatGPT outputs results with ideological and specific value orientations, and has a systematic impact on the ideological concepts, methods, and institutional mechanisms of ideological management work (Du, 2023).

Conclusions and Recommendations
We believe that China's higher education has developed rapidly in the past 40 years, but if we really place China in a competitive environment like the world, you will find that our creativity, especially human creativity, and our overall technological research and development capabilities are actually very insufficient. The emergence of ChaGPT has sparked some scholars to think more about Chinese education, but there is not much research combining higher education. But it is certain that China has always been in a state of controversy and wait-and-see regarding the integration of artificial intelligence into higher education.
As an intelligent chat robot, ChatGPT has the ability to respond quickly, accurately, and 24/7. It can answer students' questions in the classroom, provide solutions, and help students better understand and master the learning content. However, it should be noted that ChatGPT cannot replace the role of a teacher and can only be used as an auxiliary teaching tool. ChatGPT has a very promising future in the field of education. ChatGPT can be used to provide personalized, one-on-one educational support for students. It can provide assistance in answering questions, providing explanations, and even helping students complete homework. ChatGPT can also be used to create interactive learning experiences tailored to each student's unique learning style and pace. In addition, ChatGPT can also be used to grade, analyze, and provide feedback on students' assignments or articles. With the continuous development and improvement of artificial intelligence technology, we can expect ChatGPT to become an increasingly valuable tool in both classroom and online learning environments. Of course, while we understand the potential risks it may bring, we should also consider how to use artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT to carry out higher education reform under the Chinese style education system. Therefore, I suggest that Chinese universities can respond to the emergence of ChatGPT as a new technology by

1. Integrating Artificial Intelligence Education into Curriculum
Some schools and universities have begun to integrate artificial intelligence education into their curriculum, teaching students the basic knowledge of artificial intelligence, as well as its potential risks and benefits. This can help students understand the technology and its impact on their future careers. Looking ahead, using AI tools to learn and execute creative tasks, as well as collaborating and collaborating with AI, will undoubtedly become an important component of future educational goals. Early training of faculty and students in various levels and types of schools will greatly enhance their core competitiveness in a technologically rich environment.

2. Using ChatGPT for Teaching and Learning
Some educators have started using ChatGPT to help generate curriculum plans, questions, and answers for educational purposes, or to help students practice and improve their language skills. Whether any tool or technology is beneficial or harmful largely depends on the user and their methods. After all, technology is ultimately just a purposeful existence that aligns with human purpose. Teacher education institutions should strengthen training in the application of generative artificial intelligence in education, helping teachers and students apply artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT to learning and teaching.

3. Develop ethical guidelines related to ChatGPT
Some universities and schools have begun to develop ethical guidelines for the use of AI technology (including ChatGPT), ensuring that they are used in a responsible and ethical manner. We need to develop corresponding norms and standards to address the potential "threats" and "dangers" that ChatGPT may bring, while also advocating that academic researchers and users must adhere to the principles of academic ethics and research integrity when using ChatGPT related technologies, and maintain good order and reputation in the academic community as stated.

4. Actively promoting and monitoring the use of AI technology
Some schools and universities have begun to monitor the use of AI technology, such as ChatGPT, to ensure that it is not abused by students or employees. Some local education administrative departments and higher education institutions in the United States, France, and Australia have ordered students to prohibit the use of generative artificial intelligence in ghostwriting assignments. In the field of the Internet, there have also been many detection software specifically designed to help teachers and schools detect whether the text submitted by students is generated by artificial intelligence. OpenAI has also released similar tools to help schools and teachers prevent student abuse.

5. Accelerate and deepen the research related to ChatGPT
Some universities and schools have begun to use ChatGPT in research projects, such as natural language processing, machine learning and general artificial intelligence. We do see schools and universities beginning to recognize the potential of ChatGPT and other AI technologies, and they are taking proactive measures to integrate them into curriculum, research, and policies in a responsible and ethical manner. They are transitioning from fear based methods to more comprehensive methods of enlightenment and education.

Educators must keep up with the times, actively learn and master the generation of artificial intelligence, and fully understand the potential risks and misuse of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence technologies. We must also educate and guide students to use technology in a responsible, ethical, and beneficial manner for their own and others' safety. However, to achieve this, educators first need to educate themselves on generating artificial intelligence technology! Secondly, we must set an example to teach students the correct academic attitude, establish good academic ethics, adhere to technical ethics, and teach students to protect the privacy of individuals and others.
In addition, colleges and universities should introduce new artificial intelligence testing tools to identify and test which students' exercises and related works are generated by artificial intelligence and which are created by themselves. The government, academic associations, and scientific research management departments should quickly formulate relevant policies, regulations, and academic ethics and moral standards, regulate the scientific research and educational application of generative artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT, and formulate specific and executable policies and suggestions.
ChatGPT has reshaped human understanding of "intelligence" with its outstanding creativity, leading to profound changes in today's society. If higher education institutions blindly adopt a prohibition attitude, the professional skills of future professionals will eventually be incomplete. Although ChatGPT has led to the questioning of the current authority of teachers, the partial subversion of the teaching field, and the crisis of trust in creativity, it has the ability to accelerate the Digital transformation of education because it can be used as a universal teaching resource to break the barriers of disciplinary knowledge and professional differentiation, trigger the "classroom revolution" to enable knowledge dissemination and change, and break the information cocoon room to accelerate knowledge production. Therefore, higher education needs to leverage artificial intelligence to empower a new round of "classroom revolution", by achieving diversified teaching objectives, polarized teaching content, intelligent teaching processes, diversified teaching evaluations, and collaborative knowledge production to better respond to the arrival of the ChatGPT era and promote higher education reform in China.

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